I woke up with a weird sense of doom, and I don’t know how to quell that but to get my ass in gear. The weather was cool and partly cloudy. I began immediately with a walk around Bergren Park and picking up the groceries at King Soopers. I simply can’t use the delivery service again after my weird interaction a few weeks ago, but something about picking-up feels nicer. Maybe it’s that it requires more action or that I see the same people each week.

I don’t know what got into me, but after that, I tore into our bedroom. I stripped the bed down to the mattress to soak and clean everything. Actually, I even scrubbed the mattress. On a king-sized bed, these chores become an all-day investment. While waiting for loads of laundry, I put away groceries, sanitized the kitchen, wiped down a bathroom or two. But by the end of it all, I felt better about life. Putting your hands to work—it fixes it every time.

I felt so much better, I actually also made it to evening yoga. It was a hard sweaty class, but I felt good taking care of my body on top of taking care of the house.

Sarah Noel