Real life bit hard when we got back, starting with a work call at 8:30, one kid’s play rehearsal at 9:00, and another kid’s piano lesson at 9:30. Did you figure out that puzzle? It’s called Parent Math.

The afternoon cleared up. I got the laundry done, suitcases put away, the house back in order. It was nearly 80-degrees in Evergreen (hotter in Denver), and I was prepared to return to winter, but all of the autumnal color remains. Edith and I drove to Denver to hop from Goodwill to Goodwill in search of something so specific for Halloween, but luck was on our side and we struck gold at our second stop.

Normal Friday night pizza was finally reinstated with everyone home, and the fourth Harry Potter book finished, so you know what we watched. (Why are the books always so, so, so much better?!)

Sarah Noel