In keeping with the rainy year theme, I woke up to a dark gray morning—and thanks to that dark gray, I slept until 8:30! The rain from last night persisted through the late morning, which meant I got to wear my real rain coat and boots, which hardly ever see day since moving back west.
Iris had an orthodontist appointment first thing in the morning, a longer one, which afforded me lots of reading time in the waiting room. After, we came home for some post-braces rest (her) and work (me). I interviewed a local musician for the upcoming issue of Serenity and had a good chat about making time for creativity versus choosing to find creativity (and creative joy!) in whatever life presents at the moment.
In the afternoon, I picked up the little one from her sleepover birthday party, and we all came home to relax. I don’t do this often, but allowed a video game binge because, apparently, there is some very important work to be done in the Harry Potter LEGO world. (Plus, I wanted to finish my book.)
Fridays are always pizza night, so I prepared our sourdough crust. Trevor was traveling again, so the girls and I watched Elemental now that it’s FINALLY available on Disney+and I tell you I wept and wept. I don’t know that there’s much that moves me more than children’s movies, especially from Pixar.