This is the terrarium I built I Nellybelle yesterday. I want it to live in the sunroom always, but the nights are dropping into the 40s already, and the room gets too cold. Soon we’ll have to start closing it off to the house at night. It feels odd to be on the cusp of cold weather—the summer was so mild and all of the plant life is so green.
My aunt visited from Chicago today. She and my uncle were in Colorado for a golf tournament, but she carved out time to join us for brunch this morning. We meant to go out, but the girls weren’t feeling well, so Trevor picked up bagels and fruit and we ate on the deck in the sunshine.
By mid-afternoon, I felt slightly symptomatic myself. The weather was so glorious, it seemed odd timing to get sick—but it’s hard to make it through back-to-school season unscathed.