It was a quiet day, save for occasional giggles and squeals—the girls had a friend over all day.

I spent the morning working on the magazine. This deadline week has been challenging, as if everyone is pulled in a million directions through August. Despite the files and files of work I finished, I found myself with tons of of open time on the other side of lunch. I worked on a newsletter for my Substack. It was mostly about keeping this diary.

The sun was in and out all day, and by late afternoon, the cloud cover cooled the deck. I sat on the couch and read for over an hour, a rare luxury for the middle of the week.

I made sweet potato and black bean enchiladas for dinner, and before bed, we read an entire chapter of Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire.

I stayed up too late catching up on streaming shows, and somehow accidentally dumped an entire glass of water all over the couch. It made me laugh.

Sarah Noel