When the rest of the world is slipping to sleep, fall makes me wake up. This is especially significant this year because I haven’t been in tip-top shape health-wise. It’s nice to feel reenergized, at least in little ways. I am recovering some of myself in this space (in this project!) and even though my calendar is full this week of things other than working on my book or trying to make something of myself, that feels very important. That was the point, wasn’t it?
So I dressed fancy for my lunch date today. I dressed up how I used to dress when the blogosphere was like, “Look at my outfit, and by the way, here’s what I did today,” which is almost exactly what I’m doing here, except this is for me. (But thanks for being here, too.)
I had lunch and got myself a PSL because, what the hell. I popped into Walmart for some toiletry items, then came home to a couple of hours to work for clients before getting the girls. Energized as I was all day, I still felt a little drained by the afternoon, but I pumped myself up for my favorite Monday night yoga class, which I used to attend religiously, and have been slacking in attendance—but I am not going to feel guilty about that! Tonight, it was good to return and we played with arm balances and headstands, which I am terrible at, and so I giggle, and then everyone else giggles, and I remember that even grownups should play.